Friday, January 22, 2010

BRASA Micareta Folia Fundraising Event

BRASA will be hosting its first Pre-Party of the year, Micareta Folia, on February 13th at the Chateau.

2412 Iowa Street, Lawrence, KS 66046
Phone: 785-856-1514



The Micareta will be a pre-party/fundraising event for Brasa's main event of the year: The 31st annual Carnaval Party! It will take place at the Micareta at Wilde's Chateau 24.

Come and dance funk, axé, and samba! There will be a stage available if you want to dance axé and lead the crowd and Brazilian drinks available at the bar!

Este ano o BRASA está fazendo uma Micareta antecedendo a festa de Carnaval em março. A gente vai fazer a Micareta fora de época no novo clube aqui de Lawrence Chateau, um clube bem bacana com uma estrutura incrível. Venha dançar axé, funk e samba com a gente! O palco vai ficar aberto para quem quiser liderar a galera no axé, basta falar com BRASA e eles separam a música que vc queira dançar! Também terem caipirinhas no bar!

A Primeira Mesa Brasileira do Semestre

This semester promises to be very active for BRASA, and to kick off the festivities, they will be having their first Mesa Brasileira (Brazilian Table) of the semester this Friday at Henry’s. Please note that tbey have decided to move the time to 5:30 pm so that there are not conflicts with your plans for later in the evening.

Since this will be the first Mesa Brasileira of the semester, there will be Brazilian goodies to further stimulate your Portuguese skills!