Monday, March 30, 2009

Wescoe Mixer

Tenemos la oportunidad de conocer a GTAs de otros departamentos. El Departamento de inglés ha organizado una fiesta para que todos nosotros que trabajamos en Wescoe podamos conocernos fuera de los pasillos de nuestro querido edificio. El "Wescoe Mixer" es el 10 de abril, desde 8 hasta 10 de la noche, en Louise's (1009 Mass St.). Si tenéis ganas de conocer a otra gente wescoiana, venid a Louise's el 10 de abril.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Summer Research Fellowships

Departmental Competition for 2009 Summer Research Fellowships
The department may nominate students for the 2009 Summer Research Fellowships.

The Summer Research Fellowship is offered for the 2009 Summer Session. These funds are preferably given to doctoral students who have completed their comprehensive exams by the end of the Spring semester. Enrollment in Summer Session 2009 is required. The stipend is $5,000.

The factors that will be considered in awarding these Research Fellowships include (but may not be limited to):

    • Academic performance
    • A clearly stated proposal with specific details of his/her plan
    • Recommendation from the department

Interested students should submit the following materials:

    · Current CV
    · A proposal of no more than 2 pages
    · The name of a professor who is willing to write a letter on your behalf if you are selected to be nominated by the department.

THESE MATERIALS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO Margot Versteeg, chair of the Awards Committee by Wednesday APRIL 8 AT 5 PM.

Monday, March 23, 2009

English Lecturer Position in Santiago de Compostela 2009-2010

The Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Kansas, through an exchange agreement with the Facultade de Filoloxia Inglesa at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, announces one position for an English Instructor. The Department of Spanish and Portuguese screens applicants and recommends the selected individual for approval by Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. The position is contingent on staffing needs at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.*

Preferred qualifications: GTA in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. For this position, the applicant must demonstrate native-level proficiency in English. Experience teaching courses at the level of SPAN 216 or higher is preferred.
Required qualifications: Graduate student in a degree program at KU with demonstrable qualifications for teaching English as a second language.

Selection criteria in order of importance include:
(1) demonstrated excellence in teaching
(2) evidence of ability to work independently
(3) evidence of professional commitment to scholarship, research, and collegiality
(4) relevance to your academic program (either for research or for strengthening cultural and linguistic competency)
(5) GPA and seniority, if all other factors are equal.
Please indicate your intention about returning to the KU program the following year. [Returning students will have higher priority.]


Teach classes approximately 10 to 12 hours each week (these are called “prácticas,” in which students integrate receptive and productive skills); hold office hours; prepare, give, and grade examinations during three examination periods (September, February, and June-July); and participate in the administration of oral exams.

Application procedure:

Address a letter of application, curriculum vitae and KU ARTS form to Margot Versteeg, Chair of the Awards Committee, Department of Spanish and Portuguese. In the letter, please describe your qualifications and explain how this position is relevant to your academic program and professional goals. Please feel free to contact Margot Versteeg at if you would like more information about the position. The nominated applicant will be asked to provide two letters of recommendation for the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.

Deadline: Thursday, April 1, 2009, at 5 p.m.

Additional information:

For information concerning the Universidade de Santiago, consult their web site at

*Pending confirmation of approval by the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela